Read the sentences from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza.

I grabbed the chain with both hands and pulled. A small torrent of water gushed into the bowl, swirling and disappearing down the drain with a deep, sonorous gargle. I waited a few minutes and pulled the chain again.

That night I got up several times to go to the toilet, until I was ordered to go to sleep.

Why does Ernesto go to the toilet several times?

He has an upset stomach.
He is fascinated by the invention.
He drank a lot of water with his dinner.
He is trying to get his mother's attention.

B is the obvious answer.

Have you read this book? I sure hope so. It’s excellent.

The passage does not explicitly state the reason why Ernesto goes to the toilet several times. We can only make assumptions based on the given information. However, based on the fact that he pulled the chain a few times and the reference to his mother ordering him to go to sleep, it is possible that he may have an upset stomach.

To understand why Ernesto goes to the toilet several times in the given sentences from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza, we can look at the context and the information provided in the text. In the first sentence, Ernesto grabs a chain and pulls it, causing water to gush into the bowl and disappear down the drain. He then waits a few minutes and pulls the chain again. In the second sentence, it is mentioned that he gets up several times to go to the toilet until he is ordered to go to sleep.

Based on this information, we can infer that Ernesto is repeatedly going to the toilet because he is trying to flush something down or test the mechanism of the toilet. This is supported by his action of pulling the chain multiple times. There is no direct indication that he has an upset stomach, is fascinated by the invention, or is trying to get his mother's attention. Therefore, the most logical answer is that he is fascinated by the invention of the toilet and is experimenting with it.