Is this equation correct?

8Fe + S8 --> 8FeS

yes. it's balanced

And the product is correct.

Yes, the equation you have written is correct. It represents a chemical reaction where 8 atoms of iron (Fe) react with 1 molecule of sulfur (S8) to produce 8 molecules of iron sulfide (FeS).

To verify if the equation is correct, you can perform a balancing check to ensure that the number of atoms on both sides of the reaction is balanced. Here's how you can do it:

1. Count the number of each type of atom on both sides of the reaction. On the left side, there are 8 Fe atoms and 8 S atoms. On the right side, there are 8 Fe atoms and 8 S atoms as well.

2. Check if the number of atoms is balanced for each element. In this case, both Fe and S are balanced since there are equal numbers of atoms on both sides of the equation.

Since the number of atoms is balanced for each element, we can conclude that the equation is correct.