Hydrogen selenide (H2Se) reacts with water according to the following equation.

H2Se + H2O → SeH– + H3O+

In three to five sentences, identify the acid, base, conjugate acid, and conjugate base in this reaction. Use patterns in the periodic table to explain why the substances you identified acted as the acid and the base in this reaction.

im not able to put the table in but any help would be greatly appreciated

Forgot to note that the acid and base are on the reactant side while the conjugate base (of the acid) and conjugate acid (of the base) are on the product side. That is

acid1 + base2 ==> conjugate base of acid1 + conjugate acid of base 2

Pick out the two pairs.

The acid of the pair is the one with the larger number of H atoms.
The conjugate base of the pair is the one with the fewer H atoms.
I'll be glad to check your work if you post it.

In this reaction, H2Se is the acid and H2O is the base. The conjugate acid is SeH- and the conjugate base is H3O+. In this case, H2Se acts as the acid because it donates a proton (H+) to form the conjugate base, SeH-. H2O acts as the base because it accepts the donated proton to form the conjugate acid, H3O+. The placement of elements on the periodic table can indicate their relative acidity and basicity. In general, elements further to the right of the periodic table tend to be more acidic, while elements further to the left tend to be more basic. In this case, hydrogen is more acidic than selenium, hence H2Se acts as the acid while H2O acts as the base.

In the reaction between H2Se and water, H2Se acts as the acid, while water acts as the base. The conjugate acid is SeH- (selenide ion) and the conjugate base is H3O+ (hydronium ion).

To understand why these substances act as acid and base, we can look at their positions on the periodic table. Hydrogen is typically an acid because it donates a proton (H+) during a chemical reaction. In this case, H2Se donates a proton to water, making it an acid.

On the other hand, water is typically a base because it accepts the donated proton and forms a hydronium ion (H3O+). Water's ability to accept protons is due to its lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom, making it capable of forming a bond with the hydrogen ion.

The formation of the selenide ion (SeH-) and hydronium ion (H3O+) are a result of the acid-base reaction between H2Se and water, where the acid donates a proton to the base.