Which of the following is NOT a shoulder and back weight training exercise?

A. Shoulder shrug

B. Triceps curl

C. Military press

D. Suitcase

Tricep curls :)

Well, let's see here. Out of all those options, the odd one out would be... hmm... I'd have to go with B. Triceps curl. You see, triceps curls mainly target the triceps muscle group and aren't necessarily a shoulder and back exercise. So, unless you've got some triceps growing in the middle of your back, I'd say B is the answer!

The correct answer is B. Triceps curl.

To determine which of the options is NOT a shoulder and back weight training exercise, we'll need to understand the characteristics of each exercise.

A. Shoulder shrug: This exercise primarily targets the trapezius muscles in the upper back and shoulders. It involves lifting the shoulders up toward the ears and then lowering them back down.

B. Triceps curl: This exercise primarily targets the triceps muscles, which are located on the back of the upper arm. It involves extending the arms backward against resistance.

C. Military press: This exercise primarily targets the deltoid muscles (shoulders), trapezius muscles (upper back), and triceps muscles. It involves lifting a barbell or dumbbells from shoulder height to overhead.

D. Suitcase: This exercise is not a commonly recognized weight training exercise for the shoulders and back. It is possible that the term "suitcase" refers to a specific exercise, but this is not a widely known exercise in the context of weight training.

Based on the given options, it appears that D. Suitcase is NOT a shoulder and back weight training exercise. However, it's crucial to note that this exercise may be unfamiliar or named differently depending on the source or context.

To be certain about the classification of specific exercises, it's recommended to consult reliable fitness sources, fitness trainers, or exercise professionals who can provide accurate information.