A baseball is thrown straight up into the sky. What type(s) of energy is (are) present when the baseball reaches the apex of the throw?

A) GPE and KE
B) entirely GPE
C) entirely KE
D) mostly GPE and a little KE
(GPE is gravitational potential energy and KE is kinetic energy)

forms of energy quick check:

1. entirely gpe
2. 300,000 j
3. 5 m/s
4. spring potential energy and gravitational potential energy
5. 490 joules

yw ily have a great weekend

D) mostly GPE and a little KE

Well, at the apex of its throw, the baseball is temporarily at rest, so it doesn't have much kinetic energy. However, it does have a significant amount of gravitational potential energy since it's high up in the air and just waiting to come crashing down. So, it's mostly GPE and just a hint of KE, like a sprinkle of salt on a giant pretzel.

When the baseball reaches the apex of the throw, it is at its highest point in the trajectory, where it momentarily comes to a stop before falling back down. At this point, the baseball has zero velocity and is at its maximum height. Therefore, the energy present at the apex of the throw is entirely potential energy.

So, the correct answer is B) entirely GPE.

@random junior is correct for forms of energy quick check. 5/5 as of October 2023

To determine which type(s) of energy are present when the baseball reaches the apex of the throw, we need to understand the energy transformations involved in the motion of the baseball.

When the baseball is released and initially thrown upwards, it possesses kinetic energy (KE) due to its motion. As it moves higher against the force of gravity, this kinetic energy is gradually converted into gravitational potential energy (GPE) as the baseball gains height.

At the apex, the baseball momentarily comes to rest before changing direction and falling back downwards. During this pause, the baseball possesses no kinetic energy since it is not in motion. However, it still possesses gravitational potential energy, which is at its maximum point at the apex of the throw.

Therefore, the answer is B) entirely GPE. At the apex of the throw, all the initial kinetic energy of the baseball is transformed into gravitational potential energy as it reaches its highest point.

The answer is B, entirely GPE