1. Which Phrase best defines the term development as used in geography?

A. Improvements in economic and social outcomes
B. Improvements in gross national product
C. Improvements in human Rights
D. Improvements in construction

2. How does the united nations determine levels of development in the human development index.
A. the UN uses a statistic based on GDP per capita, longevity, and education
B. the UN measures the wealth of a country and compares it to other countries
C. the UN conducts research on whether people have access to their basic needs
D. the UN determines whether people have basic human rights and freedoms

3. Which economic activity is considered a tertiary activity?
A. Mining
B. Manufacturing
C. Office work
D. Scientific research.

Also if you know them can you put the rest of the answers from the whole test?

*sits waitin for answers*

does now one have the answers? i’m behind on this and that lil speech ain’t helping

Anyone got the answers please,

Geography and Development: Unit Assessment (unit 4, lesson 9)

1. Which phrase best defines the term development as used in geography?
A: Improvements in economic and social outcomes

2. How does the United Nations (UN) determine levels of development in the Human Development Index?
A: The UN uses a statistical based on GDP per capita, longevity, and education

3. Which economic activity is considered a tertiary activity?
C: Office work

4. True or False: Less economically developed nations depend more on primary and secondary sectors of the economy.
A: True

5. Where are secondary economic activities like manufacturing most likely to be located?
A: In areas near raw materials

6. Why is the physical environment important to the location of primary economic activities?
A: Many resources are only found in specific areas

7. True or False: Advanced technology makes many businesses possible in regions that are not ideal for the activity
A: True

8. Where is substance agriculture most likely to be found?
D: In less economically developed countries

9. What is one positive impact of advances in technology on the environment?
C: Less land can produce more food, preserving natural landscapes

10. What is one positive impact of advancements in technology on society?
B: Technology has helped people meet their basic needs

11. True or False: Advances in technology can increase the production of goods and services but will always increase the cost.
B: False

12. How have advancements in technology affected economy activity?
A: Increased activity by providing new methods to access resources

13. What information is available using the Global Positioning System (GPS)?
C: Navigation from place to place

14. What is one way information technology has a positive effect on the environment?
A: Smart home technology decreases energy use and pollution

15. What is one social impact of information technology (IT)?
C: IT changed the way people work

16. True or False: Computers and the internet have increased the speed of work and the spread of information
A: true

17. How can advances in medical technology affect societies?
A: Improvements in health care

18.Which is an economic effect of advances in medical technology?
D: It can increase productivity by making tasks easier and cheaper

19. Which is an example of an advancement in medical technology?
A: Monitors that track bodily function

20. True or False: LEDCs have become attractive sites for tertiary services because of lower labor costs.
A: True

21. How are levels of economic activities connected to a region's level of development? Be sure to provide examples of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary activities and how they are related to development.​
**Answer: Countries such as Canada, France, the United States, and Japan are developed countries with sound economies because their modern industrial societies which brought in lots of money. Primary activities involve extracting, mining, farming, and fishing. Secondary activities involve manufacturing and production of goods such as making cars. Tertiary activities involve providing a service such as teaching, medicine, or nursing. Quaternary activities involve research and developing industries which aims at improving the other three activities. Countries with these effective economies will have a developing economic system which will be influential to the world.

22. In five to seven sentences, construct an argument for or against this statement.
Access to technology is the most influential factor in determining the level of development of a country.
***Answer: Technology and science go hand in hand to make things easier, faster, and better. Technology is quite important to the development of a country or region. Development is the level at which the state of living of a particular place improves based on a given time frame. Because technology like mobile phones, satellites, and digital cameras have all made like easier and easier to communicate. If a particular region does not have access to technology and still uses primitive methods of communication, along with other things, shows that the country or region is underdeveloped.

1. To determine the best phrase that defines the term "development" in geography, we need to understand its context. In geography, development usually refers to the progress or improvement of economic, social, and human conditions within a specific area or region.

Looking at the provided options:
A. Improvements in economic and social outcomes: This option aligns with the concept of development in geography as it emphasizes the overall enhancement of economic and social conditions. It considers factors beyond just economic growth.
B. Improvements in gross national product: This option focuses solely on economic growth measured by the total value of goods and services produced by a country, which may not capture the broader dimensions of development.
C. Improvements in human rights: While human rights are an important aspect of development, they do not encompass all dimensions of development.
D. Improvements in construction: This option narrows down development to solely the construction sector, excluding other aspects like social and economic progress.

Therefore, based on the context of development in geography, the most appropriate answer would be A. Improvements in economic and social outcomes.

2. The United Nations (UN) determines levels of development in the Human Development Index (HDI) by using a comprehensive statistic that considers multiple factors. The correct option is:

A. The UN uses a statistic based on GDP per capita, longevity, and education: The HDI takes into account not only the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita but also factors like life expectancy and education level. These three indicators provide a broader understanding of a country's overall development.

B. The UN measures the wealth of a country and compares it to other countries: While wealth comparison may contribute to understanding development, it does not fully represent the approach used by the UN in the HDI calculation.

C. The UN conducts research on whether people have access to their basic needs: Although access to basic needs is crucial for development, the HDI incorporates additional dimensions beyond basic needs.

D. The UN determines whether people have basic human rights and freedoms: Human rights and freedoms are important but are not sole determinants of development in the HDI.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. The UN uses a statistic based on GDP per capita, longevity, and education.

3. Tertiary economic activities are those that involve the provision of services rather than the extraction or manufacturing of physical goods. The correct option is:

C. Office work: Office work, which includes various services such as administration, management, consulting, finance, and customer service, falls under the category of tertiary economic activities. These activities contribute to the overall service sector of an economy.

A. Mining: Mining is considered a primary economic activity as it involves the extraction of natural resources.

B. Manufacturing: Manufacturing is categorized as a secondary economic activity as it involves the transformation and processing of raw materials into finished goods.

D. Scientific research: Scientific research often falls under the category of knowledge-based activities and can be considered part of the quaternary sector, which focuses on advanced services relying on intellectual abilities.

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