Which statement BEST describes the philosophy of John Locke?

There is no need for government since natural law will ensure that humanity continues to progress.
Governments should have separation of powers to ensure their citizens retain the greatest possible liberty.
Monarchies, because of their divine blessings, ensure that civilization progresses to its maximum potential.
Because they should be accountable to the people, governments must protect the natural rights of its citizens or else be overthrown.


D. Because they should be accountable to the people, governments must protect the natural rights of its citizens or else be overthrown.

To determine the best description of John Locke's philosophy, it is important to understand his main ideas and beliefs. John Locke was an influential 17th-century philosopher and one of the key figures of the Enlightenment movement.

To get the answer, we can examine the key principles of Locke's philosophy and compare them to the given statements:

A. "There is no need for government since natural law will ensure that humanity continues to progress." This statement does not align with Locke's philosophy. Locke believed that government was necessary to protect people's natural rights.

B. "Governments should have separation of powers to ensure their citizens retain the greatest possible liberty." This statement closely aligns with Locke's philosophy. Locke advocated for the separation of powers as a means to prevent tyranny and protect individual liberties.

C. "Monarchies, because of their divine blessings, ensure that civilization progresses to its maximum potential." This statement does not reflect Locke's philosophy. He did not support the concept of divine blessings or believe that monarchies were ideal forms of government.

D. "Because they should be accountable to the people, governments must protect the natural rights of its citizens or else be overthrown." This statement accurately captures Locke's philosophy. He argued that governments should be accountable to the people and protect their natural rights. If a government failed to do so, it could be overthrown by the people.

Based on a comparison to Locke's philosophy, the statement that BEST describes his philosophy is D. "Because they should be accountable to the people, governments must protect the natural rights of its citizens or else be overthrown." John Locke believed that governments should be accountable to the people and have the duty to protect the natural rights of citizens.