Suppose your friend’s NHS service project requires 36 hours of

community service. Your friend spent 56 hours volunteering at
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. What percent of the
requirement did he fill?

does any one know the answer?

tranlate this to see the secret message!
its Japanese btw!

56/36 * 100% = ____


To calculate the percentage of the requirement that your friend fulfilled, you need to divide the number of hours your friend spent volunteering by the total number of hours required, and then multiply the result by 100.

In this case, your friend spent 56 hours volunteering, and the requirement is 36 hours. So, to calculate the percentage filled, you can use the following formula:

Percentage filled = (Number of hours volunteered / Total hours required) * 100

Plugging in the values:

Percentage filled = (56 hours / 36 hours) * 100

Now, let's perform the calculation:

Percentage filled = (1.56) * 100

Percentage filled = 155.56%

Therefore, your friend filled 155.56% of the requirement.