A catering company has small tables and large tables. Small tables seat 2 people and large tables seat 5 people. You are planning a party for at most 75 guests. Write an inequality that represents this situation. Let s represent the small tables and l represent the large tables.

To write an inequality representing this situation, we need to consider the number of small tables (s) and large tables (l) needed to accommodate at most 75 guests.

Let's denote the number of small tables as s and the number of large tables as l. We know that each small table seats 2 people, so the total number of people accommodated by the small tables would be 2s. Similarly, each large table seats 5 people, so the total number of people accommodated by the large tables would be 5l.

Since we want to accommodate at most 75 guests, we can write the inequality as:

2s + 5l ≤ 75

This inequality represents that the combined total number of people seated at the small tables and large tables should not exceed 75 guests.