Which statement about an atom is correct?

A.The electrons had a negative charge and is found outside of the nucleus.

B. The electrons had a negative charge and is found in the nucleus.

C.The proton has no charge and is found in the nucleus.

D. The neutron has no charge and is found outside of the nucleus.

What is the answers

The answer is (The electron has a negative charge and is found outside of the nucleus. )

Its 100% I promise

Please someone TnT

Im a little late. But yes free answers are correct

Please search the definition of an electron before asking for the answers here

Its Number 69.

I am tempted not to answer because if you had even glanced at the material you would know that electrons are found in orbit around the nucleus which is composed of protons and neutrons (not to mention smaller components). Please review the material you are supposed to be familiar with.