
What is 58.9% of 2,100?

60 times 2,000 = about 1,200

The exact answer is 1236.9. 1200 is a good estimate, and can be done "in the head". That is probably what they want you to practice doing.

To estimate 58.9% of 2,100, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 58.9% to decimal form.
To convert a percentage to decimal, divide the percentage value by 100.
58.9% = 58.9 ÷ 100 = 0.589

Step 2: Multiply the decimal value by 2,100.
Multiply the decimal value by the given number to find the estimate.
0.589 × 2,100 = 1,234.9

Therefore, an estimate of 58.9% of 2,100 is approximately 1,234.9.