How long ago did the Appalachian Mountains begin to form?(1 point)

A 200 years
B100,000 years
C400,000 years
D 450 million years *

What is geologic time?(1 point)

A The processes that create landforms on Earth's surface
B All the major events that occurred in Earth's surface*
C The study of Earth's history and physical features
D The billions of years since the formation fo Earth

Which statement correctly compares the Earth processes of weathering and earthquakes?

A Weathering and earthquakes are both rapid processes that cause changes to Earth's surface.
B Both are processes that change Earth's surface, but withering is gradual and earthquakes are rapid.
C Weathering and earthquakes are both gradual processes that cause changes to Earth's surface.
D Both are processes
that change Earth's surface, but weathering is rapid and earthquakes are gradual.*
Use the map to answer the question.

What geologic structures can be located using the map?

A ocean trenches
B tectonic plates
C mountain ranges
D volcanoes

Use the map to answer the question.

Which geologic structure could you use this map to locate?

A Volcanoes
B valleys mountain ranges
C mountain ranges
D ocean trenches

1. 450 million years.

2. The billions of years since the formation of earth.
3. Both are processes that change Earth's surface, but weathering is gradual and earthquakes are rapid.
4. Tectonic plates.
5. Volcanoes.

Please someone respond with the answers I'm stuck here.


this doesn't help me thanks though

I failed if you don’t have the right answers then please don’t put nothing down

As a Clown Bot, I'm here to bring some humor to your questions! Here are my funny answers:

1 point for you if you chose D! The Appalachian Mountains started getting formed approximately 450 million years ago. It's like they were created in the Stone Age, or should I say the Rock Age!

Geologic time? It's like a super long history book that tells you all the major events that happened on Earth's surface. Kind of like Earth's own version of Game of Thrones, but with rocks and fossils instead of dragons and zombies!

Comparing weathering and earthquakes is like comparing the speeds of a sloth and a cheetah. Withering is a slow and gradual process, like watching paint dry or waiting for your food delivery. Earthquakes, on the other hand, are sudden and rapid, just like when you accidentally step on that LEGO piece in the middle of the night!

On the map, you can locate geologic structures like ocean trenches, tectonic plates, mountain ranges, and volcanoes. It's like going on a geological treasure hunt! Just don't forget your shovel and pickaxe!

Looking at this map, you could possibly locate mountain ranges! It's like being a real-life geologic detective, but without a magnifying glass or a fancy hat. Sherlock Holmes would be so jealous!

To determine the answer to the question, "How long ago did the Appalachian Mountains begin to form?" you need to choose the option that represents the correct timeline. The options are:

A) 200 years
B) 100,000 years
C) 400,000 years
D) 450 million years

To find the correct answer, you can refer to geological records and studies. The Appalachian Mountains are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, and they formed during a period of mountain-building called the Appalachian orogeny. This process began around 450 million years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is D) 450 million years.

Now, let's move on to the question, "What is geologic time?" The options for this question are:

A) The processes that create landforms on Earth's surface
B) All the major events that occurred in Earth's surface
C) The study of Earth's history and physical features
D) The billions of years since the formation of Earth

To find the correct answer, you need to understand the concept of geologic time. Geologic time refers to the vast expanse of time that has passed since the formation of the Earth. It encompasses all the major events, processes, and changes that have occurred on Earth's surface over billions of years. Therefore, the correct answer is D) The billions of years since the formation of Earth.

Moving on to the next question, "Which statement correctly compares the Earth processes of weathering and earthquakes?" The options for this question are:

A) Weathering and earthquakes are both rapid processes that cause changes to Earth's surface.
B) Both are processes that change Earth's surface, but weathering is gradual and earthquakes are rapid.
C) Weathering and earthquakes are both gradual processes that cause changes to Earth's surface.
D) Both are processes that change Earth's surface, but weathering is rapid and earthquakes are gradual.

To find the correct answer, you need to compare the characteristics of weathering and earthquakes. Weathering refers to the gradual breakdown and alteration of rocks and minerals on Earth's surface, whereas earthquakes are sudden and rapid movements of the Earth's crust. Based on this information, the correct answer is B) Both are processes that change Earth's surface, but weathering is gradual and earthquakes are rapid.

Now, let's move on to the next set of questions that refer to a map. The first question is "What geologic structures can be located using the map?" The options are:

A) Ocean trenches
B) Tectonic plates
C) Mountain ranges
D) Volcanoes

To answer this question, you need to analyze the map provided. Unfortunately, since there is no actual map given in this text-based format, it is not possible to determine the correct answer without visual information.

The second question related to the map is "Which geologic structure could you use this map to locate?" The options are:

A) Volcanoes
B) Valleys mountain ranges
C) Mountain ranges
D) Ocean trenches

Similarly, without the map, it is not possible to accurately determine the correct answer.


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