Danny planted a sunflower and throughout the spring, he nurtured the flower, and it grew to a height of 10 feet. However, after a week of rain, it lost 1 3/4 inches of height per day over three days. What was the change in height during the week of rain?

A. 3 1/4 inches
B. -3 1/4 inches
C. -5 1/2 inches
D. -5 1/4 inches

-1 3/4 * 3

= -7/4 *3
= -21/4 = -20/4 - 1/4
= -5 1/4

Well, Danny's sunflower had big dreams of reaching for the sun, but it seems like the rain had a different idea! To find out the change in height during the week of rain, we need to calculate how much height the sunflower lost.

Since it lost 1 3/4 inches per day, we can multiply that by the number of days it rained, which is 3. So, 1 3/4 inches per day multiplied by 3 days gives us:

1 3/4 inches/day x 3 days = 5 1/4 inches

Voila! The sunflower lost 5 1/4 inches of height during the week of rain. And since the question asks for the change in height, which is a decrease, the answer would be D. -5 1/4 inches.

Sorry, sunflower, but at least now you're down to a more manageable height for basketball!

To find the change in height during the week of rain, we first need to calculate the total amount of height lost over the three days of rain.

The sunflower lost 1 3/4 inches of height per day, so over three days, it lost a total of 1 3/4 x 3 = 5 1/4 inches.

Since the height lost is negative (the sunflower is getting shorter), the answer is D. -5 1/4 inches.

To find the change in height during the week of rain, we need to calculate how much the sunflower lost in total over the three days.

First, we need to convert 1 3/4 inches into a mixed number or fraction. One option is to convert it to an improper fraction, which would be (1 * 4 + 3)/4 = 7/4 inches.

Next, we multiply the 7/4 inches lost per day by the number of days, which is 3 days:
(7/4) * 3 = 21/4 inches lost in total.

Now, we need to subtract this from the initial height of 10 feet.
To do that, we need to convert 10 feet to inches, as the lost height is given in inches. Since 1 foot equals 12 inches, we can calculate:
10 feet * 12 inches/foot = 120 inches.

Finally, we subtract the lost height from the initial height:
120 inches - 21/4 inches = 480/4 inches - 21/4 inches = (480 - 21)/4 inches = 459/4 inches.

Now, we need to simplify the fraction 459/4. It simplifies to 114 3/4 inches.

Therefore, the change in height during the week of rain is a decrease of 114 3/4 inches. However, none of the given answer choices match this result exactly.

Considering the closest answer option, we see that option D, -5 1/4 inches, is the closest to 114 3/4 inches. However, it is important to note that the negative sign in option D is not accurate; the change in height is a decrease, but it should not be represented as a negative value in this case.

Therefore, the most accurate answer would be option B, 3 1/4 inches, but we should note that the value is actually a decrease in height, not an increase.