1. The president of the United States is elected by the electoral college. What type of system is this?

2. In ancient Athens (Greece) tribes and generals took turns at power. This is an example of what type of political system?

3.What type of political system is headed by Queen Elizabeth II of England?

4. What caused the Bubonic Plague?

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What type of political system is headed by Queen Elizabeth II of England?

1. The type of system in which the president of the United States is elected by the electoral college is called an indirect or representative democracy. To understand this system, it is important to know that in the United States, the president is not directly elected by the popular vote. Instead, the voters elect representatives, known as electors, who then make up the electoral college. The electors then cast their votes to determine the president. The number of electors in each state is based on their representation in Congress, with each state having a minimum of three electors. The candidate who receives the majority of electoral votes (at least 270 out of the 538 total) becomes the president.

2. The political system in ancient Athens where tribes and generals took turns at power is an example of a system called a timocracy. To understand this system, it is important to know that timocracy is a form of government where political power is based on a person's wealth or property ownership. In ancient Athens, certain military generals and members of tribes would rotate and share power based on merit, military achievements, or wealth.

3. The type of political system headed by Queen Elizabeth II of England is a constitutional monarchy. To understand this system, it is important to know that a constitutional monarchy is a form of government where a monarch, such as a king or queen, serves as the symbolic head of state, while the actual governance is carried out by elected representatives and a constitution. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, she holds a position of ceremonial importance and carries out symbolic duties, while the actual political power rests with the elected officials in the Parliament.

4. The Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death, was caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. To understand how this disease spread, it is important to know that the Bubonic Plague was primarily transmitted through fleas that infested rats. The fleas would bite infected rats and then transmit the bacteria to humans through their bite. Once the bacteria entered the human body, it caused severe symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, and eventually, if left untreated, could lead to death. The Bubonic Plague caused devastating pandemics throughout history, most notably in the 14th century, resulting in the deaths of millions of people.