Why did the colonists react to the Coercive Acts with boycotts and convening the First Continental COngresss?

in 1764, the British Parliament passed the Sugar Act. Many of the colonists were unwilling to pay tax which was imposed - this is what started everything. This was the domino effect of the Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party etc. When duties on glass, lead, paint etc were passed in 1767, the colonists again boycotted the English goods. The colonists' fury over taxition climaxed the Boston Tea Party. In retaliation of that, the Britsh Parliament passed the Coercive Acts (the "intolerable Acts") in 1774, which closed Boston Harbor and placed government of Massachuetts under direct British Control. The colonists responed by establishing the First Continental Congress. The reason they established this was because they (the colonists) were fed up with the British trying to tax everything and control them from 3000 miles away. This is the whole reason they started the Congress. During the first meeting, delgates from all 13 colonies were present. At the meeting, Congress passed a resolution requesting that the colonies send a petition to King George III expressing their grievances. Resolutions were also passed requireing that the colonies raise their own troops and boycott British Trade. The British government condemned the Congress's actions, treating them as open acts of rebellion. This was the beginning of the war with Britian and the Colonies. Hopefully this helps you out.

The colonists reacted to the Coercive Acts with boycotts and convening the First Continental Congress because they were deeply frustrated with the British government's continued efforts to tax and control them from a distance. The Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, were a series of measures passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party.

The Coercive Acts closed the port of Boston, severely limiting trade and causing economic hardship for the colonists. They also placed the government of Massachusetts under direct British control, removing many of the colonists' rights and freedoms. These acts were seen as a direct attack on the liberties of the colonists and further infringements on their rights.

In response, the colonists organized boycotts of British goods as a means of protesting against the oppressive actions of the British government. By refusing to purchase British products, they hoped to exert economic pressure and demonstrate their unity and determination in opposing British rule. Boycotts were seen as a nonviolent way to make their voices heard and to undermine British authority.

Additionally, the colonists convened the First Continental Congress in September 1774. Delegates from all thirteen colonies came together to discuss their grievances and coordinate a response to the Coercive Acts. The Congress passed resolutions and drafted petitions to King George III, expressing their concerns and asserting their rights as British subjects. They also called for the colonies to raise their own troops and advocated for a boycott of British trade.

The convening of the First Continental Congress was a significant step towards colonial unity and resistance against British rule. It marked a turning point in the relationship between the colonies and Britain, as the colonists began to organize themselves and assert their rights in a more coordinated manner. This ultimately led to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War as tensions continued to escalate between the colonists and the British government.