How did the coup in the rebel army affect the conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes? Select evidence (quotes) from Excerpt 2 of the Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War. Copy or explain more about your inference/reasoning related to that evidence.

To answer this question, we need to find and analyze Excerpt 2 of the Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have direct access to specific sources or excerpts. However, I can provide you with the general process of finding and analyzing quotes from a source that will help answer your question.

1. Identify the source: Find the full title and author of the article or book "Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War" where Excerpt 2 is mentioned. Make sure you have access to the source material, whether it's a physical copy or available online.

2. Locate Excerpt 2: Once you have access to the source material, either search within the text for "Excerpt 2" or find the section that corresponds to the specific topic or events related to the coup in the rebel army.

3. Analyze the content: Read Excerpt 2 carefully, paying attention to any quotes, evidence, or statements that relate to the impact of the coup on the conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes. Look for explicit mentions of these two tribes and their interactions after the coup. Additionally, try to understand the context and any underlying factors that might contribute to the situation.

4. Select quotes or evidence: Identify any statements or quotes that directly address the impact of the coup on the relationship between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes. Quotes that depict changes, tensions, or conflicts between these tribes will be relevant to answering your question.

5. Infer and explain the reasoning: Once you have selected the quotes or evidence, analyze them in the context of the question. Look for any patterns, implications, or explanations that can help you infer the impact of the coup on the conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes. Explain how the selected quotes support your inference or reasoning.

Remember, since I don't have direct access to specific sources, I can't provide you with the exact quotes from Excerpt 2. However, by following the above steps, you should be able to find the relevant information and determine how the coup in the rebel army affected the conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes.