Unit 4 Reading Literary Text Test

1.) Evidence that is directly and clearly stated in a text.
a. implicit
b. inference
c. theme
d. central idea


d. central idea

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the definitions of each term and then look for evidence in the text that matches the given description.

1. Implicit: It refers to information that is implied or suggested in the text but not directly stated.
2. Inference: It involves making logical conclusions or educated guesses based on evidence and the reader's own knowledge.
3. Theme: It refers to the main message or lesson that the author wants to convey.
4. Central idea: It represents the main point or focus of the text.

Given the description "Evidence that is directly and clearly stated in a text," we are looking for evidence that is explicitly mentioned in the text. This means that the answer is not "implicit" or "inference" since these terms indicate information that is not directly stated.

The correct answer, therefore, is the option "d. central idea." The central idea of a text is a concept that is explicitly mentioned and serves as the main point of the writing.

Reading Literary Text Unit Test

1, A - the horse feels sad...
2, A - the farmer has not acted...
3, Theme & not stated directly
4, C - Big problems seem...
5, C - a main idea
6, A - Jacques joined the crew..
7, A - Jacques carried boxes...
8, C - Jorge is reliable
9, B - The trees were her shield...
10, B - the spelled bee is to Sam as..
The rest i cant give answers too but yeah