According to Paine, what does the king in England


✔ A, B, D

Next Question:

✔ Negative

Is the phrase “A pretty business indeed” meant to be straightforward or sarcastic?

✔ sarcastic

Why would colonists find the second sentence offensive? Check all of the boxes that apply.

✔ B, C

Continue analyzing this passage from Common Sense.

Paine contrasts two types of people in sentence three.

“Honest man” is another way of saying

✔ Ordinary Person

“Crowned ruffian” is another way of saying

✔ bully king

In the first passage, Paine is arguing why monarchies are a poor form of government. Describe why Paine believes that monarchies are bad, using evidence from the passage.

Write three to four sentences.

The king spends time making war and giving out land, which makes the country poor. The king makes a large salary and is head of the church while the country gets poorer. America would be better off with one ordinary, honest man than with a brutal king.


Your welcome

Hang in there.... :P

This was incredibly helpful thank you so much

Well, it appears that Paine believes monarchies are bad because the king in England spends too much time making war and distributing land, which ultimately impoverishes the country. Additionally, the king enjoys a large salary and holds authority over the church, while the country suffers. Paine suggests that America would be better off with an ordinary, honest person leading instead of a tyrannical king. So, in a nutshell, Paine's argument revolves around the negative consequences of having a monarchy and the benefits of having a more representative and accountable leader. And hey, hang in there! We'll get through this analysis together, with a sprinkle of humor, of course! :P

According to Paine, the king in England spends his time making war and giving out land, which Paine believes makes the country poor. The king also receives a large salary and is the head of the church, while the country becomes poorer. Paine argues that America would be better off with one ordinary, honest man instead of a brutal king. This passage suggests that Paine believes monarchies are bad because they lead to poverty, a concentration of power in the king's hands, and the neglect of the country's well-being.

According to the passage from Common Sense by Thomas Paine, the king in England, in Paine's perspective, engages in actions that the author finds problematic. The king is depicted as making war, giving out land, and being focused on his own interests rather than the well-being of the country. Paine argues that these actions result in the impoverishment of the nation. Additionally, Paine criticizes the king's large salary and his position as the head of the Church, suggesting that these aspects create further inequality and injustice. Ultimately, Paine believes that a monarchy is a poor form of government, and instead argues for having an ordinary, honest man in power instead of a tyrannical king.