i need two examples of situations where you would think help/charity should be given but it didn't happen as you thought

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Situations that I've experienced:

Beggars who seem to be physically disabled but aren't. I've seen some begging women in Europe with apparently sick children -- but the kids are either acting or have been drugged.

Some so-called charities reap tons of money for the founders of the charity, but very little for the people who need the money.

Following is the story of one woman's (very successful) endeavors to a establish microfinance program in parts of Africa, rather than simply sending money to be used by charities.

Read carefully:

Sure! Here are two examples of situations where help or charity might be expected but didn't occur as anticipated:

1. Natural disaster relief: Imagine a scenario where a devastating earthquake strikes a developing country, causing extensive damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. You might expect that international aid organizations and governments would promptly provide substantial assistance to support those affected by the disaster. However, due to various factors such as bureaucratic delays, mismanagement of funds, or the lack of resources, the expected help might not reach the affected communities in a timely manner, leaving them struggling to recover on their own.

To find examples of such situations, you could search for news articles or reports detailing instances where natural disaster relief fell short of expectations. Look for incidents where the affected communities faced significant challenges despite the anticipation of help or charity.

2. Healthcare disparities: In certain circumstances, it can be expected that individuals in need of medical treatment or care should receive assistance or charity, especially when they lack the financial resources to afford it themselves. However, limitations within healthcare systems or societal biases can create situations where help or charity doesn't materialize as expected.

To explore such examples, you could research specific instances or studies that highlight healthcare disparities and situations where individuals who should receive help or charity don't obtain the necessary medical care. Look for cases where economic or social factors played a significant role in preventing individuals from accessing appropriate healthcare services.

Remember, searching reputable sources such as news outlets, academic journals, or nonprofit organizations' reports can provide you with specific examples and in-depth analyses of situations where anticipated help or charity did not occur.