A map uses a scale of 1:100 000.

If a road is 5 km long, how long will it be on the map?

a scale of 1:100 000 means

1 cm on map = 100,000 cm in real world, or
1 inch on map = 100,000 inches real world, or
1 zootos on map = 100,000 zootos in the real world, whatever a zooto is

if no units are stated, such as in this scale, you can insert any unit, as long as the units are the same.

1 cm : 100,000 cm
= 1 cm : 1000 m , there are 100 cm in 1 metre
= 1 cm : 1 km , there are 1000 m in 1 km
= 5 cm : 5 km

so 5 km in real roads would be 5 cm on your map

x/5 = 1/100,000 km


The answer is 5 cm:)

To determine how long the road will be on the map, we need to use the scale. The scale provided is 1:100,000, which means that every unit on the map represents 100,000 of the same units in reality.

In this case, since we know the road is 5 kilometers long, we need to divide this distance by the scale factor.

Length on map = (Length in reality) / (Scale factor)

Length on map = 5 km / 100,000

Length on map = 0.00005 km

Therefore, the road will be represented as 0.00005 km on the map.


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "100000". Can you please provide more context or information?