Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = -9x + 4?

A. (10,-86)
B. (-4,-58)
C. (6,-41)
D. (-6,57)

Is it B?

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = -9x + 4, we substitute the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of each pair into the equation and check if the equation holds true.

Let's go through each option and substitute the values:

Option A: Substitute x = 10 and y = -86 into the equation:
-86 = -9(10) + 4
-86 = -90 + 4
-86 = -86

The equation holds true for Option A.

Option B: Substitute x = -4 and y = -58 into the equation:
-58 = -9(-4) + 4
-58 = 36 + 4
-58 = 40

The equation does not hold true for Option B.

Option C: Substitute x = 6 and y = -41 into the equation:
-41 = -9(6) + 4
-41 = -54 + 4
-41 = -50

The equation does not hold true for Option C.

Option D: Substitute x = -6 and y = 57 into the equation:
57 = -9(-6) + 4
57 = 54 + 4
57 = 58

The equation does not hold true for Option D.

Therefore, the ordered pair that is a solution of the equation y = -9x + 4 is Option A: (10, -86).

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