1. How is disruptive technology defined?

A - educational technology
B - technology products or services on their introduction to an already established niche that changes established markets and/or establishes new ones
C - robots that perform several basic tasks common in service industries
D - the interconnection between the internet and computing devices that send and receive data, such as a laptop or smartphone

2. How long were movies when they emerged in the 1890s?
A - 10 Seconds
B - 1 Minute
C - 10 Minutes
D - 2 Hours

3. Which of the following is a hospitality robot?
A - robot solely designed for entertainment purposes
B - research robot
C - robot that performs several basic tasks common in service industries
D - trade robot

4. The Paleolithic age was 100,000 years ago.
True or False?

5. 3-D printing has been hailed as the phenomenon that will bring forth which of the following?
A - new and improved informational storage systems
B - the fourth Industrial Revolution
C - gravity defying shoes
D - cloud-based programming

6. Which of the following is the role of a video card?
A - speeds up the internet
B - offers external memory
C - determines the quality of the graphics
D - offers a hosting solution

7. Why did the use of hand-drawn and painted cells in early 2-D animation make production very slow and tedious?
A - Each minor movement of the character had to be painstakingly drawn and placed over a hand-drawn background.
B - Each color had to be created with actual paint before using it.
C - It was difficult to find good artists back then.
D - It was nearly impossible to accurately draw the backgrounds, and most people gave up and quit before finishing.

8. Which of the following are Venus sculptures?
A - a sharp edge or point
B - fossilized animal bones
C - 3-D sculptures used to pray for fertility
D - the oldest stone tools

9. France and Japan produced some of the earliest examples of animation.
True or False?

10. In the 1980s, working with CAD was exactly the same as it is today.
True or False?

11. Which of the following was the first computer-aided design (CAD) software built solely for 2-D and 3-D modeling?
A - CAT scanner
B - Workstation 2
C - Pixar Image Computer®
D - Windows designer

12. Walt Disney used a computer graphics lab at the college he founded, New York Institute of Technology, to push computer animation forward.
True or False?

13. 3-D modeling simulation is used to create very realistic scenes and models that completely mimic real-life situations.
True or False?

14. Which of the following are the Alice Comedies?
A - a live action film
B - Disney’s first animated series
C - a stage play by Pixar®
D - animated landscapes in early cartoons

15. Which of the following is R2-D2?
A - Anakin Skywalker
B - a famous car mechanic that invented robots
C - a droid or robot used for a variety of purposes in the Star Wars
D - a spaceship in the Star Wars series

I need some help with a 3D modeling assignment due today. Can someone please help me? It would be greatly appreciated!

Ok, I just completed the quiz and got one wrong. Here's the answers.

1. B - technology products or services on their introduction to an already established niche that changes established markets and/or establishes new ones

2. B - 1 Minute

3. C - robot that performs several basic tasks common in service industries

4. False

5. B - The fourth Industrial Revolution

6. C - determines the quality of the graphics

7. A - Each minor movement of the character had to be painstakingly drawn and placed over a hand-drawn background.

8. C - 3-D sculptures used to pray for fertility

9. True

10. False

11. C - Pixar Image Computer®

12. False

13. True

14. B - Disney’s first animated series

15. C - a droid or robot used for a variety of purposes in the Star Wars series

100% Hope this helps you guys!!!!

But what are the rest of the answersssssss?????

Yes! Please, help with answers!

I do know that number 4 is false and number 9 is true. Number 15 is C. Thats all I got so far...

OH! And 14 is B.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your 3D modeling assignment. Could you please provide me with the specific details or questions you need assistance with?