the table lists how poverty level income cutoffs (in dollars) for a family of 4 have changed over time. Use the midpoint formula to approximate the poverty level cutoff in 1987 to the nearest dollar.://// 1970-3753


To approximate the poverty level cutoff in 1987 using the midpoint formula, we need to find the average of the poverty level cutoffs for 1980 and 1990.

Step 1: Find the average of the poverty level cutoffs for 1980 and 1990.

Starting with the given data:
1980 - 8133
1990 - 13756

Using the midpoint formula, we find the average by adding up the poverty level cutoffs for 1980 and 1990, and then dividing by 2:

(8133 + 13756) / 2 = 11944.5

Step 2: Round the average to the nearest dollar.

Rounding 11944.5 to the nearest dollar gives us the approximate poverty level cutoff in 1987:

Approximate poverty level cutoff in 1987 = $11,945.

Not sure what your midpoint formula is, but since 1987 is 7/10 of the way from 1980 to 1990, I'd interpolate to get

8133 + 0.7 (13756-8133) = 12069