Read the excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone.

The French army stayed behind in Egypt—and so did the scholars. In late August, shortly after Napoleon's departure, a large, heavy package arrived at the scholars' palace in Cairo. When they opened it, they found it contained a black stone slab covered with writing in three different scripts.

A note from a French army officer accompanied the package. He told the scholars that the stone had been unearthed in an old fort near the town of Rosetta, thirty-five miles north of Alexandria. French soldiers were tearing down a ruined wall in the fort when they came upon the slab.

Which statement accurately describes a cause-and-effect relationship described in this excerpt?

Because the French soldiers are tearing down a ruined wall in a fort, they discover the Rosetta Stone.

Idk what are the answers?

your welcome and thanks for answering

I'm timed on this btw

By the way thanks. I never heard that whole story before.

The cause-and-effect relationship described in this excerpt is as follows:

Cause: The French army stayed behind in Egypt.
Effect: The scholars received a large, heavy package containing a black stone slab covered with writing in three different scripts.

The cause is that the French army stayed behind in Egypt after Napoleon's departure. As a result of this, the scholars received a package containing the Rosetta Stone, which was unearthed by French soldiers in an old fort near the town of Rosetta.

Because Napoleon departs for France, the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt.

Because the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt, Napoleon decides to depart for France.
Because the French soldiers are tearing down a ruined wall in a fort, they discover the Rosetta Stone.
Because the French soldiers are searching for the Rosetta Stone, they tear down a ruined wall in a fort.