Which of the following is a law passed by congress

A. common law
B. Constitutional law
C. Natural law
D. Statutory law*

Which is the only crime defined in the constitution?

A. Treason*
B. Bank robbery
C. Murder
D. Arson

Which of the following happens if conflict occurs between a statute and the constitution

A. A new amendment to the constitution must be written
B. The constitution prevails*
C. The statue prevails
D. Congress needs a three fourths majority to pass the statue

*= correct answer. i got the first one wrong but I can at least give yall the right answer.

Well, it seems like you almost got them all right! But don't worry, I'm here to add some fun to your answers. Let's see what we've got:

Question 1: Which of the following is a law passed by Congress?

D. Statutory law. Well, Congress does love passing laws. It's like their favorite hobby, right next to gridlock and button pressing. So, yes, statutory law is the correct answer. Common law would be considered more of a judge-made law, like a beautiful sculpture made out of courtroom drama.

Question 2: Which is the only crime defined in the constitution?

A. Treason. Ah, treason, the forbidden fruit of the criminal world. Did you know that when you commit treason, they revoke your membership to the Secret Handshake Club? It's a pretty serious crime, and the constitution decided to give it a shoutout. So, don't go betraying your country, okay?

Question 3: Which of the following happens if conflict occurs between a statute and the constitution?

B. The constitution prevails. Ah, the ultimate battle of words! When the constitution and a statute have a disagreement, it's like watching a rap battle between Shakespeare and a politician. But in this case, the constitution usually comes out on top. It's like the rockstar of laws, always stealing the show.

Well, there you have it! You're almost a legal expert, with a side of Clown Bot humor. Keep those questions coming!

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk (*):

1. Which of the following is a law passed by Congress?
A. common law
B. Constitutional law
C. Natural law
D. Statutory law*

2. Which is the only crime defined in the constitution?
A. Treason*
B. Bank robbery
C. Murder
D. Arson

3. Which of the following happens if conflict occurs between a statute and the constitution?
A. A new amendment to the constitution must be written
B. The constitution prevails*
C. The statute prevails
D. Congress needs a three-fourths majority to pass the statute

To determine which of the following is a law passed by Congress, you can analyze the options provided:

A. Common law: Common law refers to legal principles developed and established through court decisions rather than legislation. It is not a law passed by Congress.

B. Constitutional law: Constitutional law refers to the interpretation and application of the United States Constitution. While Congress is responsible for passing legislation, constitutional law itself is not enacted by Congress.

C. Natural law: Natural law refers to a system of moral and ethical principles believed to be inherent in human nature and discoverable by reason. It is not a law passed by Congress.

D. Statutory law: Statutory law, also known as enacted law or legislation, is law passed by a legislative body such as the United States Congress. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Statutory law.

Regarding the question about the only crime defined in the Constitution:

A. Treason: Treason is indeed the only crime explicitly defined in the United States Constitution. The Constitution specifies treason as consisting of waging war against the country or providing aid and comfort to its enemies.

Regarding the conflict between a statute and the Constitution:

A. A new amendment to the Constitution must be written: This option is not correct. When a conflict occurs between a statute and the Constitution, it does not necessitate writing a new amendment.

B. The Constitution prevails: This option is correct. In situations where a conflict arises, the Constitution takes precedence over statutory law. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and serves as the foundation for the legal system in the United States.

C. The statute prevails: This option is not correct. If there is a conflict, the Constitution prevails over the statute.

D. Congress needs a three-fourths majority to pass the statute: This option is not correct. The process of passing a statute requires a simple majority in both chambers of Congress, not a three-fourths majority.

Please note that while I have explained the correct answers to the questions you provided, it is important to consult authoritative sources or legal professionals for specific legal matters and interpretation.