I was going to write a poem on Motherhood as I think it is a beautiful and vast subject. Anyone know which way I should start? (I want it to be a rhyming poem) Thanks for the help!


Here are some excellent sites on sonnet structure. This would probably be a good pattern of "problem and solution" to follow.


Mkay, thanks. by the way Guru, I havn't worked on the novel for a while...i tried everything but no ideas are coming about how she finds out about the crow! =[


To start writing a rhyming poem on Motherhood, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Choose a specific theme or aspect of motherhood that you want to focus on. Motherhood is indeed a vast subject, so it's essential to narrow down your focus to make your poem more cohesive and impactful. For example, you could explore the unconditional love of a mother, the sacrifices she makes, or the joy she experiences in nurturing her child.

2. Make a list of words, phrases, or ideas associated with your chosen theme. Consider the emotions, experiences, and imagery that come to mind when you think about motherhood. This brainstorming exercise will help you gather material for your poem.

3. Decide on the rhyme scheme you want to use. Rhyme schemes determine the pattern in which the end words of each line rhyme. Common rhyme schemes include AABB, ABAB, ABBA, or ABCB. Choose a rhyme scheme that resonates with the tone and structure you want for your poem.

4. Start with a strong opening line that captures the essence of your chosen theme. A compelling first line can instantly grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of the poem. Consider using vivid imagery or evocative language in your opening line to make it memorable.

5. Begin writing the body of your poem. Follow the rhyme scheme you have chosen and use your list of words and ideas to craft each line. Experiment with different poetic devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, or alliteration to add depth and creativity to your poem. Focus on creating rhythm and maintaining a consistent flow throughout the stanzas.

6. Conclude your poem with a powerful and thought-provoking ending. Consider revisiting or rephrasing your opening line in a way that leaves the reader with a lasting impression. Ensure that your conclusion reflects and resonates with the overall theme of motherhood.

Remember, the process of writing poetry is highly personal and subjective. Don't be afraid to explore your own unique interpretation and expression of motherhood.