Which option is single celled

A. a bacterium
B. an artery
C. a human
D. A kidney

A. a bacterium

1.carbon dioxide

2.a bacterium
3.pulmonary vein
4.small intestine
5.sensory neurons
6.sensory neurons
10.Our nervous system sends us a signal to rest.
11.the nervous system
all are theses are rights i toke the test

A bacterium

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The option that is single-celled is A. a bacterium. To determine the correct answer, you need to know about the characteristics and structure of these options.

A bacterium is a type of microorganism that belongs to the prokaryotic group. Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms, meaning they consist of a single cell that carries out all the functions of life. Bacteria do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

On the other hand, options B, C, and D are not single-celled. An artery is a part of the circulatory system and is a complex structure composed of many types of cells. Humans, option C, are multicellular organisms made up of billions of cells organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems. Similarly, a kidney, option D, is a complex organ within the human body that consists of various types of cells.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. a bacterium.