Unit 3 Periodic Table Remediation

Group 2 elements like Be, Mg, ... are called alkaline earth metals. They exhibit similar chemical properties. Which of the following characteristics is responsible for the common chemical behavior of elements in any group of the periodic table?
the same number of electrons in the outermost energy shell of their atoms
the same number of electrons
the same atomic size
the same electronegativity

Considering the element with atomic number 4 and atomic number 9 on the periodic table. Give the reason(s)/cause(s) for these elements to be different in a) reactivity, b) forming ions, and charges of these ions. (4 points)

The group of elements characterized by needing only 1 electron to fill their valance shell are the _______
transition metals
alkali metals
noble gases

The work of Henry Moseley led to a rearrangement of the periodic table originally created by Dmitri Mendeleev. Moseley's new arrangement successfully predicted the presence of undiscovered elements. Moseley's arrangement of the periodic table was based on the properties of elements and ____
increasing atomic number
decreasing atomic number
increasing mass number
decreasing mass number

An element contains 15 protons, 18 electrons and 17 neutrons. What is the identity of this element?
phosphorus ion with 3- charge
phosphorus atom
chlorine ion with 1- charge
chlorine atom

An element is dull, is poor conductor of heat and electricity and needs one electron to complete its valence shell (outermost energy level). This element most likely belongs to which of the following groups?
the alkali metals, Group 1
the alkali metals, Group 2
The halogens, Group 17
The halogens, Group 18

Which statement best describes the two atoms in the chart below?
Atom X and Z are cations
Atom X and Z are elements in the same group
Atom X and Z are isotopes of the same element
Atom X and Z have the different number of valence electrons

Which of the following is most likely to ionize by losing two electrons?

Which of the following groups of the periodic table is the least reactive?
Group 1
Group 2
Group 13
Group 18

Order the following from the greatest electronegativity to the least electronegativity: S, O, Se, Te
O > S > Se > Te
Te > Se > S > O
S > O > Se > Te
O > Te > Se > S

Using the diagram below and answer ALL of the following questions: 1) What is the element X? 2) What will element X do to become an ion? 3) What will be the charge of ion X?

The element with the lowest electronegativity is found in the:
Upper left-hand corner of the periodic table
Lower left-hand corner of the periodic table
Lower right-hand corner of the periodic table
Upper right-hand corner of the periodic table

The atomic numbers of some elements A, B, C and D present in the modern periodic table are 4, 18, 20, and 12 respectively. Choose the elements that belong to the same period.
A & C
A & D
B & D
B & C

Aladdin goes to a cave to get his lamp. The ghost at the cave asks him to name the "metal" which exists in the liquid state at room temperature. Help Aladdin to name a metal that exists in the liquid state at room temperature.

Which of the following accurately identifies the difference in reactivity between alkali and alkaline earth metals?
Alkali metals are more reactive because they lose one electron
Alkali metals are less reactive because they gain one electron
Alkaline metals are more reactive because they lose two electrons.
Alkaline metals are less reactive because they gain two electrons

plz help on this :(((

That's not very helpful. I need more than that

Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!

The characteristic responsible for the common chemical behavior of elements in any group of the periodic table is the same number of electrons in the outermost energy shell of their atoms.

For the elements with atomic numbers 4 and 9, the reason for their difference in reactivity is that element 4 (beryllium) has a filled outermost energy level, making it less reactive, while element 9 (fluorine) has one empty space in its outermost energy level, making it highly reactive. When forming ions, element 4 tends to lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming a Be2+ ion, while element 9 tends to gain one electron, forming a F- ion.

The group of elements characterized by needing only 1 electron to fill their valence shell are the alkali metals.

Henry Moseley's new arrangement of the periodic table was based on the properties of elements and their increasing atomic number.

The element with 15 protons, 18 electrons, and 17 neutrons is chlorine atom.

An element that is dull, is a poor conductor of heat and electricity, and needs one electron to complete its valence shell most likely belongs to the halogens in Group 17.

Atom X and Z in the chart are elements in the same group.

Magnesium is most likely to ionize by losing two electrons.

Group 18 of the periodic table (the noble gases) is the least reactive.

The order of electronegativity from greatest to least for S, O, Se, and Te is O > S > Se > Te.

Based on the given diagram, the element X is Potassium (K). To become an ion, element X will typically lose one electron. The charge of ion X will be +1.

The element with the lowest electronegativity is found in the lower left-hand corner of the periodic table.

The elements A and C have the same period (period 4).

The metal that exists in the liquid state at room temperature is Mercury (Hg).

Alkali metals are more reactive because they lose one electron, while alkaline earth metals are less reactive because they lose two electrons.

To determine the common chemical behavior of elements in any group of the periodic table, you need to consider the characteristics of the elements in that group. The characteristic that is responsible for the common chemical behavior of elements in any group is the same number of electrons in the outermost energy shell of their atoms. Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons, which determines their chemical properties.

For the elements with atomic numbers 4 and 9, the differences in reactivity and ability to form ions can be attributed to the number of valence electrons. Element with atomic number 4 (beryllium) has 2 valence electrons and tends to lose those electrons to form a 2+ cation. Element with atomic number 9 (fluorine) has 7 valence electrons and tends to gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming a 1- anion.

The group of elements characterized by needing only 1 electron to fill their valence shell are the alkali metals. Alkali metals have one valence electron and are located in Group 1 of the periodic table.

The work of Henry Moseley led to a rearrangement of the periodic table based on increasing atomic number. Moseley's arrangement successfully predicted the presence of undiscovered elements. Therefore, the answer is increasing atomic number.

To identify the element with 15 protons, 18 electrons, and 17 neutrons, you need to look at the atomic number, which is determined by the number of protons. Since the element has 15 protons, it is phosphorus, and it is an atom because the number of electrons equals the number of protons.

An element that is dull, a poor conductor of heat and electricity, and needs one electron to complete its valence shell most likely belongs to the halogens (Group 17). Halogens have 7 valence electrons and are known for their reactivity and need to gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Based on the chart, Atom X and Z have different numbers of valence electrons.

Magnesium is most likely to ionize by losing two electrons because it is located in Group 2 of the periodic table, and Group 2 elements tend to lose two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Group 18 of the periodic table, also known as the noble gases, is the least reactive group. Noble gases have a full valence shell and are stable, so they do not readily form compounds with other elements.

To order the elements S, O, Se, and Te based on electronegativity, you need to consider their positions on the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases from left to right and from bottom to top on the periodic table. Therefore, the order from greatest to least electronegativity is O > S > Se > Te.

Based on the given diagram, element X is carbon. To become an ion, element X (carbon) will gain four electrons, giving it a 4- charge.

The element with the lowest electronegativity is found in the lower left-hand corner of the periodic table. Electronegativity generally decreases as you move down and to the left in the periodic table.

Elements A and C belong to the same period because they are in the same row of the periodic table. A period represents the number of energy shells occupied by electrons.

A metal that exists in the liquid state at room temperature is mercury.

The difference in reactivity between alkali and alkaline earth metals is that alkali metals are more reactive because they lose one electron, whereas alkaline earth metals are less reactive because they lose two electrons. Alkali metals are located in Group 1 of the periodic table, while alkaline earth metals are located in Group 2.

trust me i just took the test its