1. What is the simplified form of the following expression?


My answer is 5x^2(y)+3x^2+6y
Can anyone back me on this?

Foundational Concepts Unit Test Part 1– Unit 2 Lesson 9. Connections Academy, Posted 2020

1. 5x^2y+3x^2+6y — C

2. 9-7x — B

3. 47/24 — B

4. Commutative property of multiplication — A

5. Commutative property of addition — C

6. (-4/3), -0.4, 0.8, sqrt 2, sqrt 11 — C

7. 3+(-7)=-4 — D

8. Irrational numbers — C

9. x/2 + 3/4 — A

10. 4g + 6 — B

11. 6/5+y — B

12. x/6y — B

13. 59/28 — B

14. 1/12 — A

15. Associative property of multiplication — B

16. 489 — B

17. -12.47 — B

18. 27/125 — A

19. The product of 6 and the number y — C

20. 85 mph — D

21. -8n+5v — A

22. 169 — A

23. -5y — B

24. 204 - 70 - 25 — D

25. -1/6 — D

26. The product is rational — B

27. 3.12… * 1.4 — A sqrt 9 * sqrt 25 — B 4+5 — D

28. In order to find out how much she paid per apple

29. (Essay. It is worth mentioning my answer was not graded so recommend checking my work before putting it in)

25+6*14 = 25+84 = 109


To simplify the expression 2x^2y + 3x^2 + 4y + 3x2y + 27, we can combine like terms.

Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

Let's group the like terms together:

2x^2y + 3x^2 + 3x2y + 4y + 27

Combining the terms with x^2 together, we 2x^2y + 3x^2 + 3x2y.

2x^2y + 3x^2 + 3x2y can be written as 5x^2y.

So now we have:

5x^2y + 4y + 27

We can't combine any more like terms, so the final simplified form of the expression is:

5x^2y + 4y + 27

To simplify the given expression, we need to combine like terms. Like terms have the same variables raised to the same exponent.

Let's break down the given expression and group the like terms:
2x^2y + 3x^2 + 4y + 3x^2y + 27

First, let's combine the terms with x^2 and y:
2x^2y + 3x^2y = (2 + 3)x^2y = 5x^2y

Now, let's combine the terms with only x^2:
5x^2y + 3x^2 = 5x^2y + 3x^2

Finally, we have the remaining terms:
4y + 27

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is:
5x^2y + 3x^2 + 4y + 27

Your answer, 5x^2(y) + 3x^2 + 6y, is incorrect because it incorrectly distributes the coefficient 5 to both the x^2 term and the y term. Additionally, the constant term 27 is missing from your answer.