Which statement best describes what it means when something is classified as a strong acid?(1 point)

1. it resists dissociating into ions in solution
2. It is present in large quantities in a solution
3. It easily dissociates into ions in solution
4. It is present in low quantities in a solution

1: Solvent

2: Water molecules will attract each other electrically, but they will not attract oil molecules, causing separation.
3: Yes, it can be extracted through evaporation. It retains its original properties.
4: The water would need to be heated to a higher temperature, which would give molecules and ions more kinetic energy, increasing solubility.
5: oxygen
6: The number of particles of solute in a solution is measured in moles.
7: Both compound types have oppositely charged regions.
8: oppositely charged ends
9: It easily dissociates into ions in solution.
10: 11.0
11: HCl, H2S, PH3
12: Sulfur (S) has a larger atomic size than oxygen (O), so HS– is a more stable, weaker base than OH–.
13: 4
14: The negative log of the concentration of OH– ions is 2. Sodium hydroxide is a strong base.
15: A solution of potassium hydroxide will always have a lesser concentration of solute than a solution of ammonia.
-No one

There’s a word called opinions dr bob. You weren’t aware of that.

Thank god I'm not the only one behind

2 is not right. The correct answer is 3 but it isn't stated very well. The correct definition of a strong acid or a strong base is that is is 100% ionized (dissociated). Statement 3 says it is EASILY dissociated which comes the closest to being correct; however, acetic acid, a weak acid, is easily dissociated to about 1 or 2% but that isn't 100%.

You see that a strong acid or a strong base doesn't mean a high concentration; it means that the solute is completely dissociated. Isn't chemistry exciting?



Nope it’s boring

thank you no one! his answers are correct :)

No one what test are you taking my guy?


You weren’t aware of that. It’s called an opinion, and it’s my opinion that I think it’s boring. So don’t assume.