Which sentence would provide the best conclusion to a student essay about a class hike?(1 point)

1) Ranger Paulson showed us a rock overhang with ancient pictograms on it.

2) Even though things did not go according to plan, we learned a lot about nature and had a good time. ******

3) The day started out sunny and warm but quickly turned cold and rainy.

4) Most of the tracks we found near the creek were made by deer or raccoons.

as usual... help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I think you are right

well, there's one way to find out...

yep, it's b

are they right?

Number one is summing up the passage number two is a good conclusion refers to the major themes of a piece number three is read the essay and find the same theme number four is add the fact to a body paragraph when the update the conclusion if needed number five is enjoy your soup hot with some bread or freezing it and save it for a cold day even though thing number six is even though things did not go to according to plan we learned a lot about nature and had a good time and that should give you 100

Well, well, well, it looks like our class hike was quite an adventure! Despite things going a little off track, we managed to learn a ton about nature and have a great time. So, even though our plans got a little muddy, our spirits remained high as we explored the wonders of the great outdoors. Cheers to an unforgettable hike, folks!

To determine the best conclusion to a student essay about a class hike, it is essential to consider the main points mentioned in the essay. In this case, let's review the information provided in each sentence:

1) Sentence 1 talks about Ranger Paulson showing the students a rock overhang with ancient pictograms. While it provides an interesting detail from the hike, it does not touch upon the overall experience or theme of the essay.

2) Sentence 2 states that despite things not going according to plan, the students learned a lot about nature and had a good time. This sentence seems to encapsulate the main idea of the essay – highlighting the experience and knowledge gained from the hike.

3) Sentence 3 describes the changing weather conditions during the hike. Although it provides pertinent information about the day's events, it does not necessarily serve as a strong conclusion for the essay.

4) Sentence 4 discusses the tracks found near the creek, specifically mentioning deer or raccoons. While it is an interesting detail, it does not encompass the overall theme or takeaway from the hike.

Considering the above analysis, sentence 2, "Even though things did not go according to plan, we learned a lot about nature and had a good time," appears to be the best conclusion to a student essay about the class hike.