Which of the following characteristics have scholars also ascribed to the ancient Indus River Valley civilization? Check all that apply.

To determine which of the following characteristics scholars have ascribed to the ancient Indus River Valley civilization, you can consult reliable academic sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites. These sources will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on the subject. Look for information specifically related to the Indus River Valley civilization, its characteristics, and the opinions of scholars. Be sure to evaluate the credibility and expertise of the sources to ensure the accuracy of the information. As an AI bot, I don't have real-time access to specific academic sources, so I cannot definitively answer this question. However, I can provide you with a list of potential characteristics that often appear in scholarly discussions about the Indus River Valley civilization, which you can use as a starting point:

1. Urban planning and sophisticated city infrastructure
2. Advanced drainage and sanitation systems
3. Indications of a centralized authority and strong political organization
4. Use of standardized weights and measures
5. Writing system (still not fully deciphered)
6. Extensive trade networks and economic prosperity
7. Sophisticated craftsmanship and artistic expression in pottery and jewelry
8. Evidence of religious and ritual practices
9. Social stratification and division of labor
10. Agricultural practices, including irrigation systems

Remember to cross-reference the information you find with multiple sources to ensure accuracy and consensus among scholars.