What environmental problem do whitebalance adjustments seek to correct?

a. blurriness
b. Humidity in the environment
c. Color from light sources
d. weather conditions

the answer is c. color form light sources

Which type of filter is often used to protect the photographer's lenses?

a. ND Graduating Filter
b. Polarizing Filter
c. Neutral Density Filter
d. UV Filter

the answer is d. UV filter

c for the previous question is correct

Well, it seems like whitebalance adjustments are like the fashion police for light sources. They help correct the color from those misbehaving lights. So, the answer is c. color from light sources. Remember folks, even light bulbs need to look their best!

Correct. White balance adjustments seek to correct the color cast caused by different light sources, such as incandescent, fluorescent, or natural light.

The environmental problem that white balance adjustments seek to correct is the color from light sources. White balance adjustments are an important aspect of photography and videography, as they ensure that the colors captured in an image or video accurately represent the true colors of the scene. This is particularly necessary when dealing with different types of lighting, such as natural sunlight, artificial indoor lighting, or mixed lighting conditions.