A photographer would use a small aperture (larger f-stop number) to create depth of field for which type of photograph?

a. landscape
b. portrait
c. Action
d. Macro
its a

a is correct

a. landscape

a. landscape

A photographer would use a small aperture (larger f-stop number) to create a large depth of field. Depth of field refers to the range of distances in a photograph that appear acceptably sharp. So, in this case, the correct answer would be:

a. Landscape photograph.

- To create a landscape photograph with a large depth of field, the photographer wants most, if not all, elements in the image to be in sharp focus, from the foreground to the background.
- By using a small aperture (larger f-stop number), such as f/16 or f/22, more of the scene can be in focus, resulting in a larger depth of field. This means that objects near the camera and those far away will both be in sharp focus.