1. What is the first step in the scientific method ? A. Collect empirical evidence. B. Create a model. C. Develop a testable hypothesis. D. Ask a question about the natural world.

2. Which term or phrase represents a proposed answer to a scientific question? A. direct observation B. model C. hypothesis D. empirical evidence
3. A scientist wants to drop a bouncy ball from a height of one meter and determine how many times the ball will bounce before coming to rest Which option below is an example of a hypothesis for this test? A. If a bouncy ball is dropped, it will bounce one hundred times before coming to rest. B. If a bouncy ball is drapped and data is collected, the data will show that the ball will bounce one hundred times before coming to rest. C. If bouncy ball is dropped from a height of one meter, it will bounce before coming to rest. D. If a bouncy ball is dropped from a height of one meter, then it will bounce one hundred times before coming to rest.
4. Is gravity a theory or a hypothesis? How do you know? A. Theory, because it cannot be contested as it has been proven true. B. Hypothesis, because it was an observation proposed by a scientist. C. Hypothesis, because it has been tested frequently. D. Theory because it has overwhelming evidence supporting it.
5. A scientist claims that water balls at 100 degrees Celsius. Repeated trials result in similar data every time. Other scientists can replicate the experiment with similar results and come to the same conclusion. What is this an example of? A. a prediction B. proof C. a theory D. support

Does anyone know?

What is the first step in the scientific method?


Ask a question about the natural world..

Collect empirical evidence.

Develop a testable hypothesis.

Create a model.

1. The first step in the scientific method is D. Ask a question about the natural world. To find the answer to a question, you first need to ask a question that can be explored through scientific inquiry.

2. The term that represents a proposed answer to a scientific question is C. hypothesis. A hypothesis is a testable explanation or prediction that can be investigated through experiments or observations.

3. The example of a hypothesis for the test of the bouncy ball is D. If a bouncy ball is dropped from a height of one meter, then it will bounce one hundred times before coming to rest. A hypothesis should be a specific prediction that can be tested through experimentation.

4. Gravity is a theory, not a hypothesis. The correct answer is D. Theory because it has overwhelming evidence supporting it. In science, a theory is a well-established explanation that has been extensively tested and supported by evidence. Gravity, as a scientific concept, has been subjected to numerous experiments and observations, and the evidence supporting its existence and behavior is substantial.

5. The example provided is an example of C. a theory. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated and comprehensive explanation for a wide range of phenomena that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through experimentation and observation. In this case, the claim about water boiling at 100 degrees Celsius has been tested through repeated trials and replicated by other scientists, leading to the same conclusion, which supports it as a scientific theory.

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