Angharad had an operation costing $500.

She was in hospital for x days.
The cost of nursing care was $170 for each day she was in hospital

Total cost = 500 + 170x

To calculate the total cost of Angharad's operation and nursing care, you need to multiply the number of days she was in the hospital by the cost of nursing care per day and add the cost of the operation.

Let's represent the number of days Angharad was in the hospital as "x".

The cost of nursing care per day is $170.

So, the cost of nursing care for "x" days would be 170 * x = 170x.

The cost of the operation is $500.

To get the total cost, you add the cost of the operation to the cost of nursing care: 500 + 170x.

Therefore, the total cost of Angharad's operation and nursing care is 500 + 170x.

11 day