Emily’s company has had a downsize to stay in business. This creates a greater workload and anxiety for her and the other employees that remain in the company. To help Emily and her colleagues cope with their new stress, manager might want to

To help Emily and her colleagues cope with their new stress, the manager might want to consider the following options:

1. Communication: The manager should foster open and transparent communication with the employees. Regularly scheduled team meetings or one-on-one discussions can provide a platform for employees to express their concerns and frustrations. Encouraging dialogue helps in releasing pent-up emotions and building a supportive work environment.

2. Clarify expectations: With a downsized workforce, it is crucial to define clear job roles and responsibilities. The manager should communicate expectations effectively, making sure employees understand their new workload and priorities. Clear guidelines can help reduce ambiguity and alleviate anxiety.

3. Work-life balance: The manager should emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Encourage employees to take breaks, use vacation time, and avoid overworking themselves. Implementing flexible work schedules or offering remote work options, when possible, can also help employees manage their stress.

4. Training and support: If the downsizing has resulted in employees taking on new tasks or responsibilities, providing necessary training and support is essential. The manager can arrange skill-building workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs to help employees adapt to their new roles with confidence.

5. Employee wellness programs: Consider implementing wellness initiatives such as exercise programs, yoga or meditation sessions, or access to counseling services. These initiatives can support employees in managing stress, improving overall well-being, and fostering a positive work environment.

6. Recognition and appreciation: Recognize and appreciate employees' efforts and contributions. Regularly acknowledge their hard work, provide constructive feedback, and celebrate achievements. Feeling valued and appreciated can boost morale and motivation.

It's important for the manager to be proactive in addressing the increased workload and anxiety resulting from downsizing. By implementing these strategies, the manager can help support Emily and her colleagues during this challenging time.

Make the pay higher or give them longer breaks.