Why do writers add multimedia to an informational text?(1 point)

1. to help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing

2.to hide details from the reader that are boring, nonessential, or irrelevant

3.to make the organizational strategy more clear

4.to show the reader why a topic was chosen

If you could please help me with this that would be very appreciated :))

1. To help the reader comprehend the facts

2. Include a caption describing the image
3. Timeline
4. Comparing characteristics of two cities
5. Photograph

Your Answers is right just did the test, 100% thx.

yep your Answers is 100% right!!

Your answer is correct 100


to help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing

@Your Answers is 100% corrects!!

thx your answers

hail hydra or you will die >:)

@Your Answers

Is right!

Thanks youuuuu