Which words or phrases could give you context clues in a sentence to help you find another word's meaning? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)

together with

also known as

in addition

because of

Which term refers to the meaning of words in a specific setting? (1 point)

literal meaning

complex definition

dictionary definition

technical meaning
Which kinds of texts are more likely to have vocabulary with technical meanings? Select two answers.(1 point)

a story about a girl and her dog

a poem about love

a book about one fairy's struggle to save her home

a manual about car maintenance for car owners

a book about the history of space flight

1. meaning and also know as

2.technical meaning
3.a book about the history of flight and a manual

1: meaning and also known as, 2: technical meaning, 3: a manual about car maintance for car owners.

what are the answers!!!1


1. also known as and in addition

2. technical meaning
3. a manual about car maintenance for car owners and a book about the history of space flight

1. The correct answers for question 1 are "also known as" and "in addition." These phrases indicate that the next word or phrase will provide further information or an alternative name for something.

To identify context clues, you should look for words or phrases that provide additional information or explain the meaning of other words in the sentence. In this case, "also known as" and "in addition" both suggest that they will introduce more details or synonyms, which can help you decipher the meaning of a word.

2. The term that refers to the meaning of words in a specific setting is "technical meaning." This term implies that the meaning of words can vary depending on the specific context or field in which they are used. The other options, literal meaning, complex definition, and dictionary definition, do not specifically refer to the contextual variation of word meanings.

3. The two kinds of texts more likely to have vocabulary with technical meanings are "a manual about car maintenance for car owners" and "a book about the history of space flight." These texts are focused on specific subjects (car maintenance and space flight), and therefore, will likely use specialized terminology or jargon related to those subjects. The other options, a story about a girl and her dog, a poem about love, and a book about one fairy's struggle to save her home, are more likely to use vocabulary with general or literary meanings rather than technical ones.

1. B,E also know as, meaning

2. D technical meaning
3. D,E manual about car maintenance for car owners, a book about the history of space flight