As the European powers grew more industrialized, their colonies became very important as sources of?

A)slave labor.
B)raw materials.
C)new inventions.
D)military prestige.

B)raw materials.

Hope this helps
Answers by: 🐯Tiger🐯


The correct answer is B) raw materials. To arrive at this answer, we can examine the background information provided in the question. It states that as European powers grew more industrialized, their colonies became important sources of something. We need to determine what that something is.

To do this, it is crucial to understand the historical context. During the period of industrialization, European powers sought to secure resources that would fuel their growing industries. These resources, often raw materials, were required for the production of goods and the expansion of their economies.

Now, we can eliminate options A, C, and D based on the information and historical context. Slave labor, while utilized by some European powers in their colonies, was not the primary focus in terms of importance as sources of resources. New inventions, on the other hand, were predominantly developed in Europe itself during the Industrial Revolution. Finally, military prestige was important for European powers, but it was not directly related to the colonies as sources of resources.

Hence, the most accurate and logical answer is B) raw materials. European powers relied on their colonies to provide the necessary raw materials to sustain industrial growth and economic prosperity.