Nasim has a smart phone data plan that costs $25 per month that includes 9 GB of data, but will charge an extra $20 per GB over the included amount. How much would Nasim have to pay in a month where he used 5 GB over the limit? How much would Nasim have to pay in a month where he used went over by xx GB?

To calculate how much Nasim would have to pay in a month where he used 5 GB over the limit, we need to find the cost of the additional data.

Since Nasim has exceeded the included 9 GB by 5 GB, he has used a total of 9 + 5 = 14 GB.

The additional data used is 5 GB, and each additional GB costs $20.

Therefore, the cost of the additional data would be 5 GB * $20/GB = $100.

Adding this to the monthly plan cost of $25, Nasim would have to pay a total of $25 + $100 = $125.

To calculate how much Nasim would have to pay in a month where he used xx GB over the limit, we need to know the specific value of xx.

To calculate how much Nasim would have to pay in a month where he used 5 GB over the limit, we need to determine the cost of the extra data.

First, let's calculate the total amount of data used in the month:
Total data used = Included data + Extra data used
Total data used = 9 GB + 5 GB
Total data used = 14 GB

Now, let's calculate the cost of the extra data:
Extra data = Total data used - Included data
Extra data = 14 GB - 9 GB
Extra data = 5 GB

Cost of extra data = Extra data * Cost per GB
Cost of extra data = 5 GB * $20
Cost of extra data = $100

Finally, let's calculate the total amount Nasim would have to pay:
Total cost = Monthly plan cost + Cost of extra data
Total cost = $25 + $100
Total cost = $125

Therefore, Nasim would have to pay $125 in a month where he used 5 GB over the limit.

If you want to calculate the cost when Nasim goes over by a different number of GB (let's say xx GB), you need to replace "5" in the calculation with the actual number of GB he has used over the limit. Then, you can determine the total cost using the steps outlined above.

25 + 20*5 = ____

25 + 20x