Discuss four contributing factors that may lead to youth engaging in each of the risky behaviors

What "each" are you considering? Peer pressure would apply to all.

Sure! Here are four contributing factors that may lead to youth engaging in risky behaviors:

1. Peer Influence: Peers play a significant role in shaping a youth's behavior. When surrounded by friends who engage in risky behaviors, such as drug use, underage drinking, or unprotected sex, youth may feel pressured to conform to these behaviors to fit in or gain acceptance.

2. Lack of Parental Involvement: The absence of positive parental involvement can contribute to risky behaviors among youth. When parents are not involved in their child's life, they may lack guidance, discipline, and emotional support. This can increase the likelihood of youth seeking validation or thrills through risky behaviors.

3. Socioeconomic Factors: Socioeconomic disadvantages, such as poverty, limited access to resources, and poor educational opportunities, can contribute to risky behaviors among youth. These factors can create a sense of hopelessness, increase exposure to negative environments, and limit future prospects, leading some youth to engage in risky behaviors as a coping mechanism or way to escape their circumstances.

4. Media Influence: The media plays a powerful role in influencing youth behavior. Exposure to media that glamorizes risky behaviors, such as violence, substance abuse, or reckless behavior, can shape a youth's perception of what is normal or desirable. This can lead to imitation or experimentation with these behaviors.

Please note that these factors are not exhaustive, and individual circumstances may vary. It's essential to remember that addressing these contributing factors requires a comprehensive approach involving education, support networks, and community-based interventions.