Which option describes dialect?

Using Standard English quick check

1. Answer: Language that is used in a particular region or by a particular group
2. Answer: double negative
3. Answer: jargon
4. Answers: A judge ordered a provisional, When I moved to North Carolina
5. Answer: Language that follows strict rules for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
I just did it and got 100% :D

number 1 is: language that is used in a particular region or by a particular group

Number 2 is : double negative

#4 Is :A judge ordered a provisional remedy to protect the defendant until the trial.and When I moved to North Carolina from California, I had to get used to words like ya'll.

#5 is :

language that follows strict rules for grammar, spelling, and punctuation

hope this helped

#3 is :jargon

the answer is language that is used in a partiular region or by a particualar group

so are the answers

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