Use the information in the table to answer the question.

Acid pH of Solution
HA 5.6
HB 3.9
HC 4.7
Which list shows the acidic solutions in order from least conductive of electricity to most conductive?

(1 point)



i think it is HB, HC, HA

I know I'm late but it was HA, HC, HB

The test that I took was Acid Base Solutions Quick Check
If you have any problems with the test go and study more. buut if you want to check to make sure you get the right answers.

Which acid-base chemical reaction is irreversible?
Answer= strong acid added to water

Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. Acetic acid is a weak acid. Which statement about hydrochloric acid and acetic acid is correct?
Answer=The dissociation constant for hydrochloric acid is greater than the dissociation constant for acetic acid.

Which list shows the acidic solutions in order from least conductive of electricity to most conductive?
Answer=HA, HC, HB

Which change would decrease the pH of a base in a solution at equilibrium?
Answer=decreasing the concentration of OH– ions

I got 100% for this
but again try not to use this to cheat but rather to make sure you get a good grade if you got any of the answers wrong go back and check the lessons

Someone who just took the test is correct

Hope that helps! and good luck!

To determine the order of acidic solutions from least conductive to most conductive, you need to understand the relationship between pH and conductivity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where values below 7 are considered acidic. In general, more acidic solutions tend to be more conductive due to the presence of more ions.

Looking at the pH values provided in the table, we can determine that the lower the pH value, the more acidic the solution. Therefore, the solution with the lowest pH will be the most conductive among the given options.

Comparing the pH values:
HA: pH 5.6
HB: pH 3.9
HC: pH 4.7

Based on the pH values, the order of the acidic solutions from least conductive to most conductive is:

So, option "HB, HC, HA" is the correct answer.

I must note that the problem is flawed BECAUSE I can make a solution with those pH values that have wild variation of electrical conductivity.

Assuming the solutions are composed ONLY of the acids, HA HB or HC, then I agree with your answer.