what does development mean in geography? thankyou!

In the first seven definitions in this dictionary, numbers 1, 2, 5, and 7 are used by geographers.


thankyou for answering my question so quickly. its helped alot. thankyou:)

The building of infrastructure to support commerce and human activity. Examples would be roads, dams, levees, schools, apartment buildings, dams, hospitals, water supplies, public transportation, sewage systems, electric power grids etc. Countries that lack these things, or have primitive ones, are called underdeveloped.

In geography, development refers to the economic, social, and environmental progress of a country or region. It measures the level of well-being and quality of life of its people, as well as the capacity to sustain these improvements over time.

To understand what development means in geography, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by gathering information from reliable sources such as textbooks, academic journals, or reputable websites. Look for sources specifically related to development in geography.

2. Define the concept: Read the definitions and explanations provided by experts in geography. Look for common themes and aspects mentioned in different sources to get a comprehensive understanding.

3. Consider multiple perspectives: Development can be viewed from various perspectives, including economic, social, and environmental. Explore these different viewpoints and understand how they relate to each other.

4. Economic development: In geography, economic development refers to the increase in a country's production, income, and employment. It involves factors such as industrialization, technology, trade, and investment.

5. Social development: This aspect focuses on the quality of life factors, such as access to education, healthcare, housing, and social services. It also includes indicators like literacy rates, life expectancy, and poverty levels.

6. Environmental development: Development in geography should also consider the sustainability of resources and the impact on the natural environment. This includes environmental protection, conservation, and the use of renewable energy sources.

7. Assessing development: Geographers use various indicators and measures to assess development, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Human Development Index (HDI), Gender Development Index (GDI), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By following these steps and considering the different aspects of development in geography, you can gain a better understanding of what this term encompasses.