The following sequence of numbers forms a quadratic sequence:

–3, –2, –3, –6, –11, …...

The first differences of the sequence also form a sequence. Determine an expression for general term of the first differences


....... +1
-2 .............. -2
....... -1
-3 .............. -2
....... -3
-6 ............ -2
....... - 5

To determine the general term of the first differences of the given sequence, we need to find the difference between consecutive terms. Let's denote the given sequence as an, where n represents the position of each term.

Given sequence: –3, –2, –3, –6, –11

To find the first differences, we subtract the previous term from the current term:
–2 – (–3) = 1
–3 – (–2) = –1
–6 – (–3) = –3
–11 – (–6) = –5

The first differences are: 1, –1, –3, –5

Notice that the difference between the terms of the sequence of first differences is not constant. This means that the sequence does not have a linear pattern.

However, we can see that the sequence of first differences has a quadratic pattern. We can write the general term of a quadratic sequence as:

an = an-1 + dn

Here, dn represents the difference between the terms of the sequence of first differences.

Based on the given first differences sequence: 1, –1, –3, –5

We can write the general term of the first differences as:

an = an-1 + (–2n + 3)

Therefore, the general term of the first differences of the given sequence is:

an = an-1 + (–2n + 3)

To determine the general term of the first differences, we need to find the differences between consecutive terms in the given sequence.

The given sequence is:
–3, –2, –3, –6, –11,...

To find the differences between consecutive terms, we subtract the previous term from the current term:
–2 - (-3) = 1,
–3 - (-2) = -1,
–6 - (-3) = -3,
–11 - (-6) = -5.

The first differences sequence is:
1, -1, -3, -5,...

To express the general term of the first differences sequence, we need to find a pattern or relationship between the terms.

Looking at the first differences, we can observe that each term decreases by 2 compared to the previous term. Therefore, we can write the general term of the first differences sequence as:

an = a1 + (n - 1) * d,

an is the nth term of the first differences sequence,
a1 is the first term of the first differences sequence,
n is the position of the term we want to find,
and d is the common difference.

In this case, the first term (a1) is 1, and the common difference (d) is -2.

So, the general term of the first differences sequence is:
an = 1 + (n - 1) * (-2).

Therefore, the expression for the general term of the first differences is:
an = 1 - 2n + 2.