Grade 11

Research project
About risky behaviour amongst today's youth

1summarize your findings on the impact of Risky teenagers behavior one's well being by referring to to the following sphere of well being social, emotional, physical and spiritual

Contributing factor that may lead to youth engaging in each of the risky behaviour described

personal safety

My research is all about the risky behavior topic

To summarize the impact of risky behavior among today's youth on various spheres of well-being, including social, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify relevant sources: Start by finding credible sources such as research papers, articles, and surveys that examine the impact of risky behavior on teenager well-being. Look for information specifically related to social, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects.

2. Analyze social impacts: Explore how risky behavior affects teenagers' social well-being. Consider aspects such as peer relationships, family dynamics, academic performance, and involvement in community activities. Look for evidence of detrimental effects like decreased social connection, isolation, strained relationships, or problems at school.

3. Evaluate emotional consequences: Examine the impact of risky behavior on teenagers' emotional well-being. Look for data or studies that discuss issues like increased stress, anxiety, depression, aggression, or low self-esteem resulting from engaging in risky behaviors.

4. Investigate physical effects: Research the physical consequences of risky behavior on teenagers' well-being. Consider areas such as substance abuse, unsafe sexual practices, reckless driving, or poor personal safety habits. Look for evidence of increased health risks, injuries, sexually transmitted infections, or impaired physical development.

5. Examine spiritual well-being: Explore how risky behavior may affect teenagers' spiritual well-being. Check for studies or discussions that address aspects like moral values, faith, purpose, and meaning in life. Assess whether engaging in risky behavior can lead to conflicts with personal values or spiritual beliefs.

6. Summarize findings: Based on the information gathered, use this framework to summarize your findings. Dedicate a paragraph to each sphere of well-being (social, emotional, physical, and spiritual). Include key points, statistics, and examples that support your conclusions about the impact of risky behavior on teenagers' well-being.

Remember to properly cite your sources throughout your research project to ensure academic integrity.

What were/are your findings?