Tanika booked a banquet hall for a party. The hall charged $15 per person, with a required tip of $60 for the waiters. Tanika knows that the total bill was $315 without tax, but she lost track of how many people attended. She writes and solves an equation, where p represents the number of people who attended.

What operation describes Tanika’s missing work in Step 2?

A. added 60 to both sides
B. multiplied both sides by 15
C. divided both sides by 15
D. subtracted 60 from both sides

I have no idea what the listed steps were, but see what you have to do to solve the equation

15p + 60 = 315

just know 17 people would have attended

D. subtracted 60 from both sides

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the equation that Tanika wrote and the steps she followed.

Let's break it down:

The equation that Tanika wrote is:
15p + 60 = 315

In this equation, p represents the number of people who attended the party.

Now, let's look at the steps Tanika followed:

Step 1: She added $60 (the required tip for the waiters) to the base cost per person.

Step 2 (missing work): Tanika performed an operation to isolate the variable p.

Step 3: She determined that the total bill without tax was $315.

Now, in order to determine the operation that describes Tanika's missing work in Step 2, we need to identify the step that involves keeping p alone on one side of the equation.

To bring p alone on one side of the equation, Tanika needs to subtract $60 from both sides of the equation. This will allow her to isolate p on one side.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. subtracted $60 from both sides