1.what I know

2.using clues to find something out in advance

Hello! It seems like you've provided a list of terms or phrases. I'm here to help explain what they mean to you. Let's go through each one:

1. "What I know": This phrase generally refers to the information or knowledge that you already possess. It can be based on your personal experiences, education, or previous learnings about a particular topic. When you say "what I know," you're essentially talking about the things you are already aware of.

2. "Using clues to find something out in advance": This phrase suggests the act of gathering hints or evidence to discover or anticipate something before it happens. Utilizing clues can involve identifying patterns, analyzing data, or making deductions to make predictions or form conclusions about a specific situation or outcome.

3. "Text-to-self": This term commonly relates to a reading comprehension strategy, primarily used in education. It involves making personal connections between the text being read and your own experiences, thoughts, or emotions. By relating the content of a text to yourself, it can help enhance understanding and engagement with the material.

4. "Monitor": In various contexts, the term "monitor" refers to observing, checking, or supervising something continuously or periodically. It can involve overseeing a situation, tracking progress, or ensuring that specific criteria are met. For example, monitoring can be done to keep an eye on a system, measure performance, or detect any changes or deviations.

I hope these explanations help! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.