Create an artwork without any text that represents the four options provided on the definition of analogy. Show four distinct sections visually depicting each option. A. Illustrate an event happening as a result of another event. B. Depict a relationship between objects where one is a specific item and the other denotes a category. C. Show two opposing arrows each holding a distinct word denoting opposite meanings. D. Display a scale balancing two identical objects symbolizing a comparison of two things based on their relationship.

Which option is the definition of analogy?(1 point)

A. something that happens as a result of something else

B.~~ a relationship between words in which one is an item and the other is a category

C. a word that has the opposite meaning of another word

D. a comparison of two things based on a relationship between those two things
am i correct?

i just took it here are the awsers

1a comparison of two things based on a relationship between those two things
2A poet is to a poem as a baker is to a pie.
5Sophia is using an antonym to make an analogy.
this is for 6th la
Word Relationships Quick Check

The new answers are,

1, Showing a similarity between unlike things
2, They help readers analyze the relationship between words
3, Foal ; horse
4, Divide ; unite
5, It divides the analogy into 2 pairs.

guys its D for the first one

If the quick check you're talking about is Word Relationships,

1. Which option is the definition of analogy?
Answer: A comparison of two things based on a relationship between those two things. (B on my test)

2. poet : poem :: baker : pie
Answer: A poet is to a poem as a baker is to a pie. (B)

3. A Baltimore oriole is a kind of bird.
Answer: Item-Category (A)

4. Which word means to have the same or similar meaning as another word?
Answer: Synonym (B)

5. Use the sentence to answer the question.
"My friend is tall, whereas I am short."
Which kind of relationship is Sophia using to make an analogy in this sentence?

Answer: Sophia is using an antonym to make an analogy. (D)

Check the questions first because i think it might differ for each person but the answers I got were

noooo thats not right someone pls hellp

the answer is: a comparison of two things based on a relationship between those two things, i got 100% with this

69 is right thank you

Thank you @69!!!!

bro that’s wrong

69 is correct.

Thank you.